Юридическая информация
The website www.stromae.com (hereinafter the “Website”) is published by the company MOSAERT LABEL.
Mosaert Label, limited liability company
Registered office: Avenue Louise 137 bte3 at 1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Registered under Belgian company number (CBE): 0700.612.291
VAT: BE0700.612.291
Contact : customer@mosaert.com
Webedia (Live & Show department), public limited company (with board of directors) with a capital of 1.301.656,18 €
Registered office : Rue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 2 – CS 60102 at 92532 Levallois Perret Cedex (France)
Registered under French company number (RCS Nanterre): 501 106 520
Contact: live-show@webedia-group.com
La Fourmi, simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 142.000 €
Registered office : Rue des Tilleuls, 42 at 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt (France)
Registered under French company number (RCS Nanterre) : 499 449 759
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